Your paths are made straight, mountains on your way in this year are rolled away, Be thou strong and of good courage, for all the mirage before you that seem like a mighty ocean before your path will disappear, you cannot be stopped you have the wings of the eagle, you are riding upon the wings of the heavenly, you are going up higher, far above mountains and seas, above your limitation, Behold I will do a new thing saith the Lord Now it shall Spring forth, an express road for you in the way they call wilderness, for the Lord the mighty one is he that goes before you.There shall no evil befall you, this year there is no fall, there is no accident for you, for the angels has been given Charge concerning you that they keep you in all your ways, underneath you are the everlasting arms, when the enemies will come up against you like a flood the Lord will raise up a standard against them, for they shall surely gather but not by me saith the Lord, wherever, whosoever, gather together against you they shall be scattered, you are untouchable, Devil the dragon, his Dagon, the Lions and Adder, of this world, they Cannot harm you, they are under your feet and you shall crush them under your feet. see more
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