Wednesday, 15 April 2015

A Damnable shift in Pilgrims' focus.

A Damnable shift in Pilgrims' focus.

  Pilgrims are people who travel, they have a specific purpose on a strange land, and for this, they careless about other things.
  Pilgrims have no permanence, in their city of pilgrimage, and a short time is what they have, hence the need to judiciously utilize their, time and resources, for the purpose of their pilgrimage. However, some pilgrims forget their primary purpose and following after other things, and such, are they who fail to have a significant profit when their time of departure is come. Peter admonishes Christians in 1Peter2:11 "as Pilgrims", and If we are pilgrims, then we have to be watchful and keep focus of our purpose of pilgrimage.
  It is rather painful, that
many have lost sight of the picture they Got at calvary, the the pattern the Got the Mont, is fast evading their memories, no wonder they're latter end us worse than thier beginning, Jesus said concerning such that they
have forgotten their first love, why? Because their attention has been shifted from the:

>Assignment to the amenities of the world,

>Bible to the business of the world

>Call to compromise

>Dedication to deception in the world

>Example of Jesus to Exigencies and mad rush of the world

>Fellowship to felony

>Godliness with contentment to greed

>Hope of rapture to haphazard living

>Intolerance of sin, to involvement in sinful practices

>Justice to judgemental living

>Keeping the faith to killing the faith in others.

>LOVE to lust

>Modesty to molesting

>Newness of life to naughty lifestyle

>Openness to opaque, and shady life

>Purity to putrefactiveness

>Quest for God and his word to Questioning God and his instruction

>Righteousness to Religious rebellion

>Strength in the lord to straying from his word.

>Truth, and trust worthiness to transgression

>Undivided loyalty to undulating, unstable walk.

>Visitation of God to vain glory

>Word to worldliness

>xenia(hospitality to strangers) to xenelasy (expulsion of strangers)

>Yielding to God to yielding to Satan sin and self

>Zion to zero...

And where are you today, have you shifted? If yes return to the cross for Mercy.


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