At the time of Noah, the flood was his punishment, but he gave a way of salvation the ark, only Noah and his family came into the ark and were saved, that did not stop God, from destroying the then world.
Later people took sacrifice for granted, and sacrifice became an abomination to God, then as a means of salvation, He sent His son Jesus, to die for the sins of the world, Jesus died, shed His blood, though he was without sin yet he took the sins of the whole world upon himself, and went to the
cross, that whosoever believes on him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Despite all that God has done man has always taken God for granted, and is still taking him for granted, by rejecting his offer of salvation.
Dear friend there is no other way, there was none else at the time of Noah, though, some thought they were reasonable enough, they climbed trees, other wanted to be More assured, they climbed the mountains and hills but Can they be wiser, than God who gave the only way of escape?
Today God has provided another, only, way of escape, from the impending Doom this Way is "Jesus", Jesus said no man comes to the father but by me.
You can come in to Jesus today, he is the ark of salvation from the flood of Hell, from the Lake of Fire.
Why tarry ye?
Repent and confess your sin that is the way to enter, accept Jesus into you life, that is the life-line that can draw you out of the doom of sin, forsake your sin and do not return to them, that is the way to remain in the ark of salvation.
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