Tuesday, 5 May 2015


Several people when they hear about Jesus, they say the prophet other say a messenger, some say i don't believe him and I don't want to hear about him. Some people claim that, yes, he was a miracle worker, but, he died and that is all about him.
Today, I present to you JESUS that lives forever, He who has been from the beginning, One who died and rose again, who lives in the life of all who will let him in, he is a Savior, Healer, king, The Lord, The Almighty, and ultimately He is GOD.
In him was life; and the life was the light of men. He is the beginning of creation, by him was everything made that was made, what is that thing that need to be created or re-created in your life, He is able. He can even create a new nature in you and take away the nature of sin, for this purpose (JESUS) the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
Until you submit to Jesus and allow his purpose to be fulfilled in your life, you cannot understand his personality. The personality of Jesus is supernatural until you enter his realm, you can't understand him.
Do you want to experience his power, his healing, deliverance...And his salvation?
As a sinner acknowledge your sinful state, confess it to God through Jesus, repent and be resolved not to return to sin.
Now that you are saved, pray to God again through Jesus Christ and say Lord Jesus, I want to Experience your power in my life, (mention what you desire). And you will discover that the name of Jesus transcends your imagination.
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