Thursday, 21 January 2016

A Cry For Help

She and her friend were out to refresh themself under the tree by the riverside when she felt like swimming in the calm river, for the heat of the day, was much, and the covering offered by the tree seems not sufficient.

At the first step into the river, she was shocked, for it was a sharp contrast between the river and her heated feet, but she soon felt refreshed and want the whole of her in the water.

She went further into the river and even beckoned on her friend to join her in the pleasure, Clara was about to join in the pleasure when she noticed her friend was already struggling in the river, she’s obviously drowned. She could see no one around who could be of help, she could not swim, hence could not help her friend in this ordeal, she thought of the risk of joining in the river to help, but the danger of both of them getting drowned scared her till a thought rang in her mind.
“Cry for help” though she could not see any one who could be of help around she gave it a try. Before I continue in this story let us take this pause, to have a brief chat:

Do you know this story intends to tell a figurative story of you? You were into this world as innocent as a child And you remained under the canopy of God but suddenly you started to make choice, the first choice you made was to go after the pleasure of the world, just like shade wanted to refresh herself, you saw the enticement of sin, like the river, that shade saw, your first step into it was a shock, your conscience fought you, like a cheated child, but you soon ignore your conscience, only to go further in sin, at a time you enjoyed the sin so much that you wanted other to join you, but suddenly, maybe now as you read this, you realize you have lost hold of the ground and  you are drowning in sin, but lucky you , you still have your head above the water, or else you are already drowned in sin, with your head buried in the river of sin, like it was the case of shade.

 Back to the story Clara cried loud, HELP! HELP!! HELP! And there came a fisherman quickly, and let down his arms from the boat, and pulled out shade from the river, into the boat, and shade was rowed back to land, but then, she was lying on the floor lifeless, the fisherman fanned her for some minute and pumped out the water out of her belly, she regained consciousness and was back alive.

 Whatever your situation, I have a good news for you: like Clara shouted for help I have cry and prayed for you, and an helper has come, Jesus Christ, has come, the greatest fisher of men, and has reached out his hand to you, in the river of your sin, and he is ready to pull you out, if you will surrender to him realizing your helplessness. To allow him, Pray this short prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my sin, And I cannot help myself, help me and forgive my sins, bring me out of the river of sin, purge me of the sin and its influence, give me your new life, I believe you died for my sins, write my name in the book of life, In Jesus Name I pray. (Amen.)

    For inquiries, or prayer request contact:



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