Monday, 25 January 2016

Glorious Living Devotional : Jan 25

Topic: Perfect in Patience

Text:  James 1:1-4

Key Text: But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (James 1:4 KJV)

Discussion: James exhorts that we should “…count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations…” This is to remind us of something important that when we are faced with temptation, it is a test for promotion; this is why he says “the trying of your faith worketh patience”. We need to be patient in temptation, it may come as difficulty, and you may find it difficult to cope with. But remember Jesus said “my grace is sufficient for you”.

  However, it is sad that many are fallen into temptation and gone astray. Such are said to have failed the test, and they need to repent.  Some have boasted, like peter: I will never leave you, but today they have denied Christ more than thrice. Yet they fail to return to Christ like peter did. And such people have missed the opportunity of promotion, which is the purpose of their test, rather, it’s become to them total alienation from the kingdom of God except they repent.

How many times have you missed God’s promotion by failing temptation, saying I could repent?
Remember God’s test for Abraham was his Isaac, and for that, God blessed him when he passed the test. And that’s why verse 4 says “let patience have its perfect work and that you may be perfect, and entire, wanting nothing. If you want God’s blessing, you must be patient in temptation, persecution, trial, and in all areas.

Moses said stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will show thee this day. As you go today, be patient in God, and you will see his salvation in Jesus name.

Challenge: How often have you missed God’s appointment by impatience?

Prayer: Lord, help me to wait patiently till your perfect will be done in me.


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