Monday, 1 February 2016

Glorious Living Devotional : February 1

Topic: Saved to Save

Text: Exodus 1, 2 & 3

Key text: Exodus 3:10  Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.

Discussion: Several years after The death of Joseph, there rose a Pharaoh that knew not Joseph, nor  the exploit which he has done in Egypt in saving her from famine. This created fear of Israel in the new Pharaoh, he therefore made several decree, against Israel, we see that fear makes a man to imagine wrongly. Never allow fear in your life lest you ignorantly fight God

  The midwives in Egypt had a different fear, the fear of God, and this made God to deal well with the Midwives, because they spared the the Israelites' sons, a lesson, Blessing comes by the fear of God, the fear of the Lord is to keep his commandments.

   Seeing the Midwives did not follow his instruction, he ordered the killing of every male child born by Casting them into the river. 

 In the midst of this, Moses was Born, he was hid for three months, but could not be hid any further, he was laid by the Riverside, what a great faith that worked out his salvation from the deadly decree of Pharaoh, this made made way for him in the Palace of Egypt. "Every Decree will work out My promotion"

 Having been saved from the destruction of Pharaoh, God appeared to him with a new commission, Exodus 3:10  Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.

What lesson? You are saved from sin, yes, but you were saved to go and let others know of this salvation Plan, in Matthew 10:16 Jesus said "Behold, I send you forth" also he said in Matthew 28:20  "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you" 

 There are things God has taught you, that you have read from his word, that his Spirit has laid in your heart, don't just keep them to yourself, You are saved to save, Let your Light shine to others that they may see the way of Salvation through Jesus Christ.

Challenge: Are you saved? Help someone too, let them know Jesus the Savior.

Prayer: Make me a soul winner


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