Topic: The purpose of our freedom
Text: Exodus 5-10
Key text: Exodus 8:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me.
Discussion: as we come to these chapters we see how God troubled Pharaoh and the people of his Land for holding the people captive, and preventing them from serving God.
The purpose Jesus coming to the world, is to set us free from sin and Satan, that we might serve him read Luke 4:18-21 and Luke 1:68-75, we are not saved to go back to sin but to be free from sin, we are not saved from Satan to be his slaves anymore, we are saved to live in Christ, and serve God.
Therefore we cannot be idle, we cannot, fold our arms, rejoicing that we are free, we have a mandate, we are saved to serve God, therefore anything that will not let you serve God, simply break loose from them, or report them to God, and your enemies Will see the finger of God.
Challenge: Live in the Liberty, Stay in service. You are saved to Serve God
Prayer: Let me live in the understanding of my Liberty, and not go astray.
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