Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Glorious Living Devotional : Feb 5: Hold your Peace

Topic: Hold your Peace

Text: Exodus 14,15 &16

Key text: Exodus 14:14  The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.

Discussion: We live in a world where trouble and struggles are the order of the day, fears abound in the heart of man and people are thirsty for peace everywhere, several fear grups the heart of men, even the fear of the unknown, unfortunately fear has never made us better, rather what we fear are made to manifest because we fear them.

One primary cause of our fear is because we do not fear the Lord, when we lack the absolute Faith in the unchanging God, shortly after the song of victory by Israel, they began to murmur, for lack of water, they had forgotten that he who made the sea to be parted, could bring honey out of the rock. As Christians, it is important to note that fear, is an imagination, we are not to be controlled by fear, but Faith, see the things which be not as though they were, see God in every situation, Moses knew this secret, and when Israel was complaining he simply went to God.

Build your Faith with this ingredients:

-The Word of God and His promise
-The testimonies of past victories
-The knowledge of God's ability.
-The songs of Faith
-The profession of conviction
-Seek first the kingdom of God
-The simple Obedience of Faith.

As you build your Faith, it becomes easy to hold your peace in the turmoil of the world and as you hold your peace the Lord will fight for you.

Challenge: Ephesians 5:19  Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

Prayer: I receive the gift of Faith to believe God for all things


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