Tuesday 1 March 2016


As we come into the month of March, God's promise For you is this month, is to increase you, all you may be, maybe not are gone, I want to tell you that, irrespective of the economic situation in the nation, God's promise For you this month is that YOU SHALL BE MADE FAT, This promise is a Bounded promises for this category of People:

M- Meek (Psalm 22:26, Isaiah 29:19)
A- Assiduous; the diligent (Proverb 13:4b)
R- Righteous; Before God and Man, in thought, imagination and action (Psalm 37:29).
C- Christian; not just by going to Church, but, the cleansed, converted and Christlike. (Isaiah 40:31)
H- Helpers of others (Proverbs 11:25)

If this month you will come to Belong, in those category listed above then to you MARCH shall be a period of:

M- Making fat (Proverbs 11:25,13:4, 28:25)
A- Accelerated Promotion (Psalm 91:14)
R- Raising Up (Job 22:29)
C- Cure for diseases (Jeremiah 33:6)
H- Help from on high ( Isaiah 41:10)

Happy New Month!


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