Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Study 1: Convert's Class - New Birth

Glorious Vessel Ministry
Believer's Class

Study 1 - The New Birth

To become a member of a family, you are either born or adopted into it. The new birth is the way you are both born and adopted into the family of God. It is a spiritual experience that transforms you from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God. It is both a spiritual and moral change. Christ lives in you by the Holy Spirit. It is so vital an experience that no one can enter into God's Kingdom without it.
John 1:12-13; Gal. 4-5, Eph. 5:30-32

Need For the New Birth: fall of man through Adam

Adam was the head of the human race. Just as the head of a country can cause his country to fall or succeed through his leadership, Adam changed the course of human race by falling into sin. Rom. 5:12 Satan deceived Adam Gen: 2:15-20, 3:18

Consequences of the fall!
Loss of communion and fellowship with God Isaiah 59:2, Ehp.2:11-12
Spiritual Death: Rom.6:23a;
Physical Death:  Heb.9:27
Eternal Death: Rev. 20:15
Received the nature of sin and debt to sin.Gen.1:27, 5:3
Transferred our fatherhood to the devil JOHN 8:44
Slavery to Satan. Col.1:13, IITim.2:26
Loss of God given authority to the devil JOHN 14:30, Luke 4:5-6, Eph. 6:10-18
Loss of Dominion over all of God’s hand work Gen: 1:28
Loss of freedom from disease, sorrow, hardship and sufferings Gen.  3:16-19

Benefit By The New Birth: Undeniable Mercy and Pardon for sin

God is love, and Proved this by sending Jesus to die for our sins and as many as received him he gave Power to become sons of God, and this gives us the privilege of regaining cry all that is lost.

Some attributes of God: Righteousness 119:137-138, Jer. 23:6
Just: Deut. 32:4 ISA.45:21
Love: John: 3:16, Rom 1:8
True: II Sam.7:28,
Eternal: Rev. 1:8

God’s mercy explained: To meet God’s holy character of justice (for sin) and love (for the sinful man), the last Adam was sent to break down the barrier between God and Man. Rom. 5:17-19, I Cor. 15:21-22, 45-47

Definition of the new Birth:

-What the New Birth is not:
Being religious or churchy  Acts 10: 19
Keeping the law  Rom. 3:20; Gal. 2:1621; Acts 13:39
Being Self-righteous  Is. 64:6; Phil. 3:89
Education and culture  I Cor. 1:1827
Water Baptism  Acts 8:3639
Good works and good morals  Is. 64:6; Acts 10: 12, 22

All these are good and important but they will not substitute for the new birth (Matt. 23: 23)

-What the New Birth is
It is a spiritual birth Jn. 3:17. Our spirit, not flesh becomes born again.
It is the quickening of our spirit that was dead to sin by the word of God Jn 1:1213; 1 Peter 1:23.
It is the process of being translated from darkness into light. Col. 1:1213; Eph. 2:810
It is the process of substituting the Adamic nature i.e. the sinful nature, to the nature of God  (Holiness)

The Purpose of the New Birth 

The human nature in any human being will stand against him or her at the gate of heaven if not substituted or exchanged for a Godly nature
The natural Man is spiritually dead and cannot obey, understand or please God, neither will it hear the trumpet sound at rapture.  Rom. 8:68; Jer. 17:9; Eph. 2:3 
The new birth gives eternal life. John 3:16
The natural man must be reborn if he is to "see" or "enter" the kingdom of God. 1 John3:3
The natural man is on a sloppy course to destruction Prov. 14:12, 12:15
The new birth guarantee that our name is written in God’s book of life Rev.20:15
Without the new birth the natural man is the child of the devil. In 8:44; 1 In 3:10 
The natural man is corrupt in his affections and perverse in his will. Gal. 5:19; Mk 7:2123     
The new birth affects our taste, habit, opinion, desire, vocabulary appearance and hope etc. 2 Cor. 5:17
Through the new birth, we are raised from death of sin to the life of righteousness

Experiencing the New Birth

How Can I be born again?
Acknowledge that you are a sinner  Rom. 3:23; Luke 18:13; Ps. 51
Sincerely repent of your sins  Acts 3:19; Luke 13:3Confess your sins to God  1 John: 1:19
or turn away from your sins and old ways – Is. 55:7; Prov. 28:13
Believe Him and His substitutionary sacrifice  John 3:16; II Cor. 5:21
Receive Him into your heart by faith and thereafter thank God for saving you John 1:1112;               Eph. 2:8

Evidences of the New Birth
The following characteristics will be manifested in the believer who is born again:
Discuss noticeable evidences of the new birth in your life since you openly confessed Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior
A changed life  II Cor 5:17 Col. 3: 1-3
A Righteous and Holy life  I John 2:29, 3:7, 5:18  1Peter 1: 14-16         
Overcoming life  I John 5:4       
Power to life the Christian life John 1:12
Communion and fellowship with God. 1 John 1:3
Godly fear Eccl. 12:13
Godly love  I John 4:7
Witness of the spirit  Rom 8:16    

Growing and Retaining the New Birth Experience
A child that cease to grow is dead, so also a child of God that ceases to grow is spiritually dead, to grow therefore, here are some diet for growing in the New birth experience.

1. By giving ourselves to the study of the Word I Peter 2:2, Ps. 119:103
2. By giving ourselves to Prayer I Thes. 5: 17
3. We must also submit totally to Christ. James 4: 6-7
4. by fellowshipping constantly with the brethren. Heb 10: 25
5. Daily examine yourself and separate from object of temptation(2 Corinthians 13:5)


Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.(2 Corinthians 5:17)

A born again Christian must be different from those who are not. This should be evident in the words, thoughts and actions (what you wear, hear, see or touch) of the believer. Also he or she must let go off old patterns of sins and do away with every form of destructive relationships and ways.

1. Give some other names for the new birth
2. Briefly summarize the fall of Man as explained in Genesis, highlight the following: His Creation benefits, The Temptation,  The Loss as a result of Sin
3. How did Jesus restore the loss
4. Does the new birth change our lifestyle? Justify your opinion with Bible verses


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