Topic: Obedience: the Hallmark of Greatness
Text: Genesis 35, 36 & 37
Key Text: Genesis 37:13 And Israel said unto Joseph, Do not thy brethren feed the flock in Shechem? come, and I will send thee unto them. And he said to him, Here am I.
Discussion: as we read from chapter 35 we see the obedience of Jacob, by leaving for Bethel, according to the word of God, this Obedience made God to appear unto Jacob and Bless him there.
Joseph also was an obedient Child, he learnt to Obey in all that his father said, the key text shows, how his Father called him to send him to his Brethren, and his response was, here am I.
As Christians, when God speaks to us, he is demanding from us absolute Obedience, his promises are embedded in our Obedience, that has why Isaiah 1:9 says "if ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land".
This morning, as you set out, there are Blessings that awaits you, but when the Spirit speaks know that Obedience is the key that unlocks God's blessing, Obey and you shall be blessed.
To hear God you must belong to him, you must be born again, and become a son of God, Romans 8:14 says "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." You should desire to be a son of God, and to be a son of God is easy:
Admit your sinfulness, Repent and forsake those sins, pray that Jesus Wash away your sins by his Blood, confess Jesus as your Lord and savior, thank God for saving you. Thus you are a child of God and he will continue to guide direct and instruct you in the way of Blessings, have a blessed day.
Challenge: Only the sons have right to the Father's riches, only the Obedient gets those Riches.
Prayer: Let my Obedience be perfect that I may get the Blessing.
2016 © Glorious Living Devotionals.
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