Saturday, 30 January 2016

Glorious Living Devotional : Jan 29

Topic: Biblical Principles For Glorious Living

Text: James 1:17-27

Key text:

Discussion: The Christian walk is a Glorious walk, it is a Special walk, that demands a Worthy walk. This subject of a Worthy walk is so important that Paul had to repeat the need for a worthy walk to the Ephesians, Colossians and Thessalonians (Ephesians 4:1, Colossians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 2:12).

It becomes therefore important that we live the glorious life by having a worthy walk, to have a Worthy walk, here are some underlining points from our text.

-Ask of God: James 1:17. Since all good gift is from God, a worthy walk is a good gift for Which we should ask God, this is not just something we ask today and get tired, we ask, like Jesus said in John 16:24  Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

-Patient consideration of Matters: ( James 1:19) A Christian is not to be of rash behavior, he doesn't judge a matter before he hears it, he doesn't speak till he has a concrete grasp of the matter, he is patient to listen with a rapt attention, slow before he gives his opinion, and properly digest it to bring out his response with the wisdom of a speech seasoned with salt (that's what's explained in Colossians 4:6  Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.)

-Uneasily Angered: James 1:19,20 Anger is a vice not a virtue, it is wrong, and mostly sinful, we must avoid anger, by living in the consciouisness of Heaven, and knowing that anger is unrighteousness, it displeases God.

However, in a few cases we can be angry to avoid sin, this has to do with when sin is been offered to us, we may show our anger at that sin, hence we are only Angered at sin, not against men. Violence or wrath, is prohibited by the word of God for it works not the righteousness of God.

  -Flee Uncleanliness: James 1: 21 we are called into a Holy walk, hence we must desist from all appearance of evil, and live Godly and Holy, all filthiness must be taken away, all fornications must not be once mentioned of us as become saint, our heart must be guarded with all diligence, evil thought, immoral thought and all unhealthy thought must be taken away while we live the Glorious Christian life, things that pollute the heart such as, pornography, unhealthy relationships, etc. Must be cut off. Evil and sinful habits must be prayerfully stopped. Masturbation, drunkiness, smoking,  anger, etc. Are habits that have to be gone, when we are genuinely Saved.

- Right Attitude toward The Word: (James 1:21-25) the Word of God, is able to save the soul, and build you up, and give you an inheritance among the sanctified (James 1: 21, Act 20:32) hence we need the right attitude of meekness, and Obedience. We must humble ourself before the word, with the knowledge that it is from God. Patiently listen to every, instruction, correction, and reprove and painstakingly Obey and adhere to those correction reprove and instructions. And when we Obey the word we shall be Blessed indeed.

-A Spirit Controlled Tongue: (James 1:26) As Christians we are led by the Spirit of God as stated in Romans 8:14  For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. This therefore means that our speech should not just be empty speeches, but Grace filled, and Salt seasoned, also Spirit inspired, that it may bring Life into the hearers. There are times to speak, times to be silent, at such times the Spirit of God instructs us as to what to do, our Obedience shows our state, if we are saved like we claim. The uncontrolled Tongue is a sign of backsliding and sinfulness.(Matt 12:24)

-Love without Lust: (James 1:27) Love is the fulfilling of the Law (Romans 13:10) Christ gave us the commandment to love, but Satan deceptively brought Lust, which several careless Christians have mistaken for Love, they visit but with the intention to satisfy thier need, the help the needy but with the aim to demand, others even do it for an appraisal of men, others lender helping hands with immoral intentions, all these are Lustful, and hated by God, we are to give without expecting in return, when we do alms we are to do it secretly, and with a saintly motive. Love will attract people to you, both saints and sinners, but the Christian, will keep himself pure, unspotted, undefiled in an unclean world.

These Glorious Life is impossible for a sinner, but if we are saved, and we allow ourself to be taught of the Grace of God, all that are stated above becomes easy and our nature,
For, ...if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.( 2 Corinthians 5:17).

Challenge: the Glorious Life is the Christian Life, if your life is not Radiating the Light of Christ then you have not Known him.

Prayer: Lord give me the Grace to live the Glorious Christian Life.


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