Wednesday 13 January 2016

Glorious Living Devotional : Important lessons from Isaac's marriage.

Topic: Important lessons from Isaac's marriage.
Text: Genesis 24

Key text: But thou shalt go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a wife unto my son Isaac.

Discussion: Today we are reading of how Isaac got his wife, and as we read there are several points to take note of as young men and women, preparing for marriage, some of them are these:

-Abraham instructed his servant to get a wife from his kindred - Let your partner be from the called out ones, from the family of God, must be saved

- The servant prayed -in the choice of a life partner, a sincere prayer of Faith is the key. Pray to know God's will for your Life, you may see today but God knows your future.

- she was dutiful - Dutifulness is a must for, young men and women, preparing for marriage, the home is a place to work, and work things out for a glorious home.

-that servant worshipped God - finding a wife is of the Lord, when you know the will of God for you in marriage, appreciate God.

-He will not let food prevent his purpose - Understand your purpose and give it priority.

- Isaac had a financial Base, - don't rush into marriage, when you cannot provide for your home ( 1 Timothy 5:8  But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.)

- the servant did not come to steal the Wife, he paid the dowry - except when the Bride's parent give their daughter to you freely, you should pay dowry, it is Biblically right.

- Rebekah was willing to go with this man - Don't force or be forced into marriage let it be a willing decision.

- Rebekah's parent blessed her, it is important to wait for parental blessing, don't just run away with a man that's why parental consent is non negotiable (are your parent seeming difficult in this area, God will make all things well, as you keep praying, although sometimes it is a sign of God's disapproval of that union)

- Isaac loved Rebekah, the secret of peace, comfort, joy and understanding in the Home is Love. Love your partner

Challenge: How ready are you, if you are ready, ride on by Faith

Prayer: Give us a Home where Christ is Head, and peace with Joy are the stories we tell.

2016 © Glorious Living Devotionals.


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