Wednesday 13 January 2016

Glorious Living Devotional : Jan14

Topic: Room for your fruitfulness

Text: Genesis 25 - 26

Key text: Genesis 26:22  And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land.

Discussion: The last topic was on the lessons from Isaac's marriage and today we shall see his life after marriage, and some lessons that can make room for fruitfulness in your life, and marriage.

When the home is without, Children, there is sorrow in the Home, and this was the same thing that happened with Isaac, his wife was barren, twenty years, he was without child, yet he never gave up, he simply prayed and the answer came, his wife gave birth to twins (Genesis 25:21) - When you pray be patient with God.

Again after Rebekah had conceived, there came the pain of pregnancy, this was so much she couldn't bear it she had to pray, and there she got the promise of two nations. - what is your pain in the Home, business, etc. Get a solution from God as you pray.

That was not all of the challenges in the Home. Esau was Hungry but Jacob has just cooked porridge, rather than show love and give it, to the satisfaction of his brother, he demanded a fee, Esau's birthright,  Esau gave it and lost all. - Never give up your salvation, for a moment of pleasure, you may never recover till it's too late. - train your children to love one another not to compete.

And yet another problem, there was famine in the Land but He got an instruction don't go down to Egypt, he obeyed and his testimony was stated in verse12 of chapter 26 he got 100 folds - obedience brings Blessing, just Obey, there shall be showers of Blessing.

Maybe you've got enemies, Isaac also had, while he dug wells for his cattle, the envious philistines strove with him over the wells, but he left that and dug yet another, and for that they strove not, are you passing through circumstances that makes you feel sad, and discouraged, cheer up and smile for God shall make room for you, and make you fruitful.

Challenge: Prayer, patience, perseverance and persistence, are powerful precursor of Prosperity

Prayer: when your spirit speaks to me, let me listen and Obey, when the promise seem delayed, help me wait, and while the enemy envy, let me learn to excuse them and move on, teach us to teach our children in a way that please you Lord.

2016 © Glorious Living Devotionals.


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