Wednesday 13 January 2016

Glorious Living Devotional : Jan 15

Topic: Wrong decision of Esau

Text: Genesis 27 & 28

Key text: Genesis 27:41  And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob.

The wrong decision of Esau did not start in the passage of today, it started from chapter 25 when he sold his birthright, then he knew not the value of what he sold, today's text, is where the understanding of what he has lost came, he realised he Lost his Birthright and the Father's Blessing.

He was not too concern with the Birthright that was lost as the blessing, and this is the case with many today, they had the privilege of Salvation, the Birthright of the saints, but they sold their Birthright to the pleasure of this world, yet many who have sold their birthright this way are not concerned, because they are still enjoying God's Mercy and Blessings, not knowing that Satan to who the Birthright has been sold will come back to steal the blessing, no wonder many are living in miseries today who have once enjoyed the Goodness of God.

The error of Esau did not end there, he hated his Brother, and comforted himself with a determination to kill his Brother Jacob, what an unwise decision, Many today are  like Esau, the want to have a revenge, and this has taken their condition from worse to worst, and even claim their lives, what a tragedy!.

Esau seeing his mistake, did not yet admit that he was the cause,  he rather blamed it on his Brother, the failure of Many to admit that sin is the cause of their Problem, is the reason why their Problem persist.

Repentance from sin and allowing Jesus to be your Lord and saviour is the solution to the Problem of Sin and its consequences.

Challenge: Don't blame you fault on others. Just correct them.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Bring me into a father and son relationship with You.

2016 © Glorious Living Devotionals.


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