Saturday 16 January 2016

Glorious Living Devotional : Jan 16

Topic: God Has Remembered You

Text Genesis 29 & 30

Key text: Genesis 30:22  And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb.

Discussion: After Several years of childlessness, Rachel was discouraged, she lost hope of child bearing, her sister reproached her and she was discouraged.

You may be in a condition that makes you feel like giving up, you might have even accepted defeat, but this morning, I have Good news for you,  "God Has Remembered You".

You don't have to giveup, draw back, you don't have to be ashamed, for the time to favor you has come, the acceptable time for God to cause his face to shine on you, this is the Day.

Have you waited without answer, have you tarried without response, God is already at the door knob, about to put out to your his blessing, for hence forth people shall call you Blessed. For your time has Come.

Challenge: Put on a smile while you wait, for your time has Come.

Prayer: Lord I will wait for thee.

2016 © Glorious Living Devotionals.

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#Faith #trust #help #Grace #solution #gloriousvesselministry 

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