Sunday, 9 August 2015

Study 3: Convert's Class- Discovering your new life

LESSON 3 : Convert's Class- Understanding your new life

1 PETER 2:9-12
2 Corinthians 5:17  Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
Saul was once an avowed enemy of Jesus Christ,  But after the experience on the way to Damascus, he was changed, he became a different person, he was commissioned and he started preaching the same Gospel he had persecuted. Acts 9: 1-22. There are a lot to learn in the life of Paul, as he has a sporadic Christian growth. Saul (later Paul) was a servant or slave of the Law, culture and traditions but was turned to a servant of God in righteousness.
Now that you have, by the Grace of God become a child of God, you must now learn to live and operate successfully in your new position. This is necessary because the kind of life you were living before is a sharp contrast to your new life. (Ephesians 5:8 1 Peter 2:9)
Once a... But now...
You may be expecting a change in your status or stature that will enable you to live the new Life but this is not the change that happens below are some things that happened the moment you accepted Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior:
-Transfer of ownershipYou were a servant of sin, a child of the devil that now has been delivered from sin and its passions. Rom 6: 1618; Rom 7: 56; Jn. 8: 24, 44; I Jn. 3:8.
-Recovery of Freedom and Dominion: You were taken captive, afflicted and dehumanize at will by the devil, but now have been delivered totally from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. II Tim 2: 26; Luke 13: 11-16; Col 1: 12-13
-Translation into the heavenly: You were once no people, alien to the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise. Now you have been made Son, in fact, joint heir with the Lord Jesus and thereby made entitled to all divine blessings. Rom 9: 25-26; Eph2: 11-16; Rom 8: 17; Eph 1: 3; II Peter 1: 3; II Peter 1: 34; Eph 2: 19; I Peter 2: 9-10
-Restoration of Lost privileges: Satan had rule and authority over you since you lost your first position due to sin. However, the new you are now restored back to that former position and you now bear rule, power, dominion and authority over Satan and his cohorts. II Tim 2: 25-26; Luke 4: 6; Col 1: 20-22; Luke 10: 19; James 4: 7; Luke 9: 1; Luke 10: 1, 17.
The New You in God's Sight
Before God you are now:
-A new person entirely, whose sins have both been washed away and forgotten. II Cor. 5: 17; Gal. 6: 15; Heb 8: 12; Rev 1: 5; I John 1: 7; Is 43: 25; Is 44: 22. Sins mentioned here include every manner of sin committed in the past.
-As being holy and peculiar to Him: He has consequently kept you as the apple of His eye. I Peter 2: 9; Titus 2: 14: Ex 19: 56; Deut 32: 10; Zech 2: 8; Is 54: 15-17
God's Expectations From the New You
It is the demand and expectation of God that we live in the reality of our new life, hence we should:
-Put off the old man and put on the new man:  Eph 4: 20-32; Col 3: 5-10, Matt. 9:15-17. Put off all Diplomatic relations with the devil and his kingdom. II Cor 6: 14-18; Eph 5: 11-12;     Gal 4: 49;, Deut 7: 46; I Cor 15: 33.  Gal 4:4-9; PS.1:1, Deut. 7:3-6, 1 Cor15:33
-Purify yourself, your thoughts and all you have on a daily basis, in order to retain God there. I Cor 3: 16-17; Rom 12: 12; I Pet 2: 11; James 4: 7; John 17: 17. To achieve this:
- Read and meditate on God's Word the Bible. Ps 119: 11 Thy word has I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.
- Have regular fellowship and unbroken personal relationship with God.  I Jn 1: 1 3; James 4: 8, thou wilt keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee (Jesus Christ gave us a good example) Luke 6: 12
- Fellowship with other brethren at all times; Heb. 10: 25; Acts 2: 42-47; Ps 133: 13.  Ecc. 4: 9-10; Matt 18: 18-20; Deut 32: 30.
- Do all things in FAITH in order to please God. Gal 3: 11; Rom 1: 17; Heb 11: 6; Mk 11: 23-24;   
What is Faith?
Heb 11: 1   
How can we receive the victorious kind of faith? Rom 10: 17
Examples of victorious Faith: Rom. 4: 19-22; Heb 11: 17-19.
Things You Should Expect From the World
-The world will hate you.
John 15: 18-19; John 17: 14; Man 5: 44-48
-The world will persecute you.
John 15: 20, 21; John 16: 33; II Tim 3:12.
- The world will want to lure you into doing things of old. James 4: 7; Proverbs 1: 1015
-What kinds of relationships are we to break?
-Why will the World hate you, when you give your life to Christ? (Cite Bible references)
-Why is it important to fellowship with other Christians?
-Distinguish between persecution and accusation
- Discuss -what is Faith? Also, distinguish between faith and hope
What do you understand by the phrase, "purify your hearts" how can it be done?


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