Thursday, 7 January 2016

Christian marriage - study 1 - Starting out right - A General introduction on Choosing a Life Partner

Starting out right - A General introduction on Choosing a Life Partner

Gen 2:18-23, Proverbs 18:22 19:14

   Choice of a Life Partner is crucial, it is the making of the complete man. Until a man has a help meet for him, he is not yet fully made, these series of articles will be focusing on knowing the will of God in marriage, as a single Brother or Sister, thereafter we will proceed to the study of Christan Home, but let's start today with "Choice of a Life Partner"

- Start with God

Finding a partner is crucial, and it is a good thing, when God shows you favor. (See Genesis 2:18)

  You can inherit anything from your parent, but not a wife, or good home. Many people today only find a girl or a woman to marry, but to find a wife is from God (See Prov 19: 14, Proverbs 18:22)

A right partner is not just one that can speak, or that looks Good, but one who can be a partner for Life, it is a great risk therefore, to go into marriage without God who knows your future.

- The Right Time

For everything there is a season...     The first thing before going ahead into making choice of Life Partner, is to know if it is time, I mean the right time to, go for the "Will of God" but how do you know if it is time?
Let God say to you it is not good to be alone. Listen to God at every stage of your life, and once you hear him say so, then, it is time to get started! If No, that means you have more time to prepare, therefore wait, and prepare, and while you wait, discover your purpose.

- Prepare & Purpose while you Wait.

There is someone that is suitable for your life's purpose, and destiny. Whom God has kept, and preserved for you like the bone of Adam's rib.
The person may not seem to be visible now, but will be visible as you begin to discover your purpose in life.

So many will suit your today but not tomorrow, therefore be diligent to discover your purpose in life, your age, parent, peer pressure, level, or whatever situation should not cause you to rush into marriage with the wrong partner, remember it is a Life contract.

While you are waiting, Prepare adequately, plan and design the Home you desire to build, don't be troubled while waiting, Don't toil with other people's emotion in order to to get your partner, don't start "testing it" (premarital sex), dating, sending gifts to specific opposite gender, it can raise a wrong suggestion, don't dress to attract him/her don't influence your Choice.

Go to sleep like Adam on this matter, don't be anxious. Simply trust God and rest on his promises to order your Steps.


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