Sunday, 24 April 2016

Study 3 Starting out right - Knowing the Will of God in marriage 2

Some weeks ago, we started the series, Starting out right, and we discussed  A General introduction on Choosing a Life Partner,
And last week we will continue the series, and we started the topic a practical topic "knowing the will of God"

Today we will continue the topic, already we considered:
-Strong Love
-Audible voice
-Intuitive Knowledge

Today, we will continue from there.

The Written Word of God: Psalms 119:105  Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. The word of God, speaks to us, and concerning marriage, God can inspire a verse to speak to you concerning your partner to be,

See this example:

Revelation 3:20  Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Generally this verse is Jesus speaking, but to you as you read you may hear God say to you, your partner is at the door, and will come knocking, few minutes later, the person comes knocking truly. That may be, God speaking,  if you have this, kind of perception, you may listen better, God will give you more confirmations.

Divine arrangement:
There are people, who get led by divinely arranged situations, God will bring them together, probably from far places apart, for the purpose of making them knows each other, and then he speaks to them, through other means for a confirmation.

This Divine arrangement could be that the two people, will always be, on same assignment many times, they may be sent by different people, and they will just discover they were sent on same, or complementary assignments. In Church they may need two people to do a task, and by nomination, just the two will be selected, sometimes, God use Divine arrangement like this, to reveal his will to singles, seeking his face. However, a note of caution must be clear here, that: You want to allow God to speak to you in other ways for confirmation, because the heart of some may be wicked as to manipulate this method, but this doesn't mean God don't speak through this method.

Visions and Dream:
Job 33:14-15, here Job gives us two ways By which God speaks to a man, by Visions and Dream.
Vision is the opening of your spiritual eyes, to see a Divine message acted out to you like a video, in this case you are not sleeping. But in the case of Dream, you are, asleep when this message is delivered to you from God. It is a gift of God Promised in Joel 2:28 to his Children, those, who are saved by Him.
In the case of knowing God's will in marriage, God can decide, to speak through Dreams or Visions, where he shows you your, partner.
When you have dreams and visions, be sure it is from a God, by allowing God to speak to you in other ways for a confirmation,  For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; (Ecclesiastes 5:3 ) when you have exposed yourself to much to an opposite gender, during the day, and you last down to sleep you may find out she will be there over you will Dream of, therefore take heed.

Preparation to hear from God

To hear from God you need to prepare, don't just rush to his presence, these three things will help you.

- Purity: Purity is the state of been pure, God wants us to purge ourselves from all Uncleanliness before approaching him, the first thing to be cleansed from is sin, you must be cleansed from sin, and be Saved.
Also, In seeking to knows the Will of God in marriage he demands that we, free our heart from, idols (see Ezekiel 14:4) what is regarded as idols in the case of someone, willing to know the will of God in marriage, is having a strong intention to marry somebody, and going to God for affirmation, just like Balaam willing to go with Balack, to curse Israel, but went to God, asking should I go, God said, he will answer such people according to the idol of their heart, like he permitted Balaam to go. If that's the go you get from, God it is called a permissive will, which is not always leading to the Best Home, God planned for you, therefore when you Go to God, go with a clear heart and tell God to speak to you, and be ready to do whatever he says.

- Prayer & Praise: this two are wonderful ways, of hearing from God, when you Praise God you make him, to come down and hear your request, and when you pray, he will hear your petition and give to you a Bone of your bone and a flesh of your flesh.

-Devotion: devotion to God makes a avenue to hear God, when God knows you always study his word, at a particular time, he comes to you and listen to your heart's desires, and listen to you your requests. When you read his word, he speak to you, while you are busy with his work he will commune with you, just keep in touch with him.

Next week we will talk about:  Cautions, checks, and Confirmations of the Will of God.

Till then, enjoy the riches of God's grace.


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