Thursday, 19 September 2019

Sept 19: Divine Drawing, and our Pressing in.

Topic: Divine Drawing, and our Pressing in.

Text: Song of Solomon 1,2,3 & 4

Key Text: Song of Solomon 1:4 

 Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee.


 The of Song of Solomon is a book of Love, that figuratively speaks of Christ the King, and his Bride, the Church.

 As we come to this first part of the book, the Lord is showing us the his will and wish, he is willing that once we have been saved, we are to gladly press in for more of his love.

 Three things from this passage,

1. The Divine Drawing

2. The Duty of Dwellers

3. The Description of Dove.

1. The Divine Drawing

  Our key verse says "Draw me..."  a phrase that typifies a request to give an invitation, and this is the invitation we have already in Matthew 11:28, "Come unto me..." This is the invitation to salvation, are you born again, Are you free from sin? If not, why wait? Arise! Behold he calleth you... He is calling you to come out of sin, and this can be done, by repentance and faith in God, if you will confess your sins to God he will have mercy, an pardon your sins. 

 After coming out of sin there is a duty demanded, we are to press in for him, don't stand at the door post of salvation come in, into the fullness of Blessings.

2. The Duty of Dwellers

"Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers..." 

 After we are come into the kingdom we have a duty to press in for more, that was the life of Paul. Hear what he said in Philippians 3:13

 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

 He had a quest for more, he wanted something deeper, higher, better, no wonder his life was exceptionally great.

 Today, we have a charge to press in for more. But more of what are we to press in for?

3. The Description of Dove.

The Dove here in Song of Solomon 2:14 is a description of the Church, the Saints, the people saved from Sin, and how do we describe them? In chapter 1 verse 15 and chapter 4 verse 1  The King says thou art fair and pleasant, and Chapter 4 gives us a full description

 The Dove's eyes for the foresight, the teeth and lips describing the mouth, is washed, and speaks good things, not defiling things, the Neck is describing a balanced life, the breast typifies the evangelical mission of the Church and the Saints.

 The question is, how beautiful is your life?

The beauty that God demands will come into us when we press in prayer, and study of God's word, and we go out evangelising others to bring them to Christ. 

What do we press for?

 We press to be More like him, we press for More of him and his presence, more of his love, more of his life, more of his Glory.

Challenge: How Beautiful is your life? Press in, for Greater Glory

Prayer: Beautify my life, and suit it for thy Purpose.


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