Enjoying God's Provision for Glorious Living
As we come to this book of the Bible we will discover It talks of the origin, the beginning, and how what are, came into being.
The book gives the origin of the doctrines of sinfulness and depravity of man, the redemption and justification plan, the prophecy of the coming Christ, the personality of the Trinity, Judgement, and the doctrine of marriage and family Life.
This book is so significant that the new testament refers to its records severally.
Genesis was written by Moses, who had all these record Given to him by God, and he transmitted the same, by oral, and stone markings as the practice was, his record was preserved accurately, and orderly as the Spirit of God moved him.
The Holy Ghost gave testimony of this in 2Peter 1:21
"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."
The book of Genesis should not be taken as an ordinary history but as it is in truth, God's Inspired word, capable of bringing life, to the dead and dry bones, for it is God's word; Sharper than any two edged sword, a fire, and also water, a hammer, and also a comfort, let us not confront the word with contempt, but with absolute Faith to Receive from the author of this Book (The Holy Spirit).
And that is why tonight we are considering the topic: Enjoying God's Provision for Glorious Living
"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
1 Corinthians 2:9
You must understand that you are not an afterthought of God, He made provision for you before creating you, therefore all you need is available.
That's why he said in Mark 11:24:
"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."
Enjoying God begins with Knowing God.
And that is why the Scriptures opens with this Declaration, to clear all doubt, that when you look into the creation, you might know that there is God, hence the declaration, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Genesis 1:1
This we can see as we read Psalm 19:1-4, Romans 1:19, 20
If God created the heavens and the earth, what then can He not give you? Think about it.
That's why Prophet Jeremiah exclaimed:
"Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:" Jeremiah 32:17
However, if we will enjoy God, we must believe in him, and that is why God did not hide his possibilities from us, so that we might believe in him.
Today as we come to study we are learning that There is nothing too hard for God in our Life, and any challenge in your life causing you to endure the Glorious Christian life instead of enjoying it, tonight! The Creation Power will take them out of the way in Jesus name!
As we look at the three Chapters that we are considering, we will focus on the following three things:
1.)Divine intervention for Creation and Re-creation
2.)Divine Intention For Created, and of Reproduction
3.)Divine Interest in Creatures' Rescue
As we read in Genesis 1:1 We see the Original creation Story, How God created the Heaven and the Earth.
_"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."_
But alas! in verse 2 we see the corruption of the creation:
And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Because we know that When God creates it is Good, but you remember that Isaiah revealed to us that Lucifer was cast down to earth (Isaiah 14:12) and by him the earth became a chaos and that nessitated the need for a re-creation as we observe in verses 3-31
As you look into your life, you might have been a Child of God, before, but you lost the privilege, when you went back into your sins, tonight I have come to tell you, that The Savior is coming again to visit you, he will recreate his life in you. And your life will be beautiful again.
Looking at the Chapter, it talks about the
Doctrines of GOD in verse 1 as Used in the original as a Plural noun, Elohim, establishing the Doctrine of Trinity
In summary to conclude today's study there are several things to point out, let's see 9 of them.
1) Divine origin of the Universe: God created everything that exist, God is the uncreated creator of all things, from whom all things exists.
2) Decree that frames the Universe: "Let there be" this show our possibilities too, for he said the works I do ye shall do, greater works you shall do, and he said ye shall decree a thing it shall be established unto you!
3) Dichotomy of the Lights:
Genesis 1:3, 14 (KJV) And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
In verse 3: it talk about inviting the personality of Light, Jesus Christ, while verse 14 talks about the light body; Sun, stars...
4) Illumination for Creation "Let there be light!" The decree that initiated creation, that Invited Jesus Christ, into the Creation work.
"All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." John 1:3 (Read verse 4 and 5 also)
5) Discovery of Trinity of the Godhead: In verse 2 we have seen the spirit of the God, and we read in verse 26 God the Father saying Let Us make man, having an understanding that, the creation of Man was solely by God, we find out more than one personality involved, this could have been no other than the Three in one; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." 1 John 5:7
6) Divine Pattern in Humanity: the mould was God, we came from God, we were an image of God, and hence in John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? though this was lost through sin, we come close to this image through a walk with God; salvation, sanctification, Baptism in the Holy Spirit and other further kingdom experiences.
7) Divine Command for fruitfulness God made us to multiply, he is not interested in dormancy, stagnancy and retrogression, if you are experiencing any of these, call upon the name of the and he will bring fruitfulness into your life, he commanded it because we have a part to play, therefore don't be lazy, play your part.
8) Divine provision before Creation: Nothing was created by accident, he made proper preparation for you! He made plantation before beast, and all that before making man and hence gave them all to man, what do you Lack? God has it! What is your need? ask and you shall receive, there are riches In Christ Jesus, yet to be tapped by those they are reserved for.
Would you call on God tonight to receive your portion?
9) Detail Perfection in Creation When God looked on all he created he said they were very God, God did not cheat none sense, reject it if is is not Good, reject it if it is not very good. Don't settle for less.
That's where I will stop for today, I will continue from there next week.
I hope you can learn one or two things? If yes, take them to God in prayers.
Father we bless you for the Bible Study of tonight, you have revealed your mind to us, Lord, grant us the heart to see you as you see us and maximize your provision for us to live a Glorious Life in this present world, in Jesus name!
Lord, we are grateful for reminding us of your limitless power of creation. We pray today that your creative Power will cause a creative miracle in all lives in Jesus name.
We pray, that all that is below your standard in any life, reading this, by your Creative Power, upgrade them In Jesus name!
Any one sick, let your healing virtue reach out to them, when we shall meet next week, grant that we experience you in a greater dimension! In Jesus name I pray.
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