Tuesday, 17 September 2019

September 17: Inventors of Evil things

: Inventors of Evil things

Text: Ecclesiastes 7, 8 & 9

Key Text: Ecclesiastes 7:29  Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

  Wisdom is available to everyone, but Creativity is the key to Invention.
 God is the first inventor, he is the Creator of all things and this attribute of him, is present in us, but limited. 
 Our ability to come closer to the fullness of Divine purpose for our lives the more we creative we become.
 Our world need inventors, who will proffer solution to various challenges face the human race and yes you can be.
 However, it is sad and heart breaking that many utilize this opportunity of been innovative to develop evil things, for example some people invented the "sex toys", "pornographic sites", "phishing softwares" to mention but a few.
 As we read our passage we notice three things

1. Compelling Advise to do Good
2. Caution Against Gullibility
3.   Counsel for Advancing Graciously

1. Compelling Advise to do Good

  As we read in verse one of chapter seven, the preacher says a good name is better than precious ointment.
 We all have a name to preserve; Our family name, Our personal name and God's name that we carry (Christian).
 Having an understanding of this we should live righteously, both for ourselves and generation after. 
Whatsoever we invent, do, think, should be done with the consciousness of those three names we carry.

 2. Caution Against Gullibility

 Gullibility means been easily  deceived, and if there is any time we should watch against been easily deceived, it is now, in the days when inventors of evil things are on the increase.

3. Counsel for Advancing Graciously

These are some counsel offered in our text:
• 8:2,5 Keep the Commandments of God our King
• 8:3 Be not hasty
• 8:8-13 Flee wickedness
• 9:10 Work diligently
• 9:11 Take hold of opportunities
• 9:17 Utilize opportunities offered by quietness
• 9:18 Choose the path of wisdom instead of War

Challenge: BE AN INVENTOR: But remember, that, All inventions, shall be brought to Judgement

Prayer: Bring me to the place to understand your Divinely appointed assignment for me in my Generation


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