Monday, 16 September 2019

You Need not Depart!

TEXT: Matthew 14:14-20

KEY TEXT: Matthew 14:16 “…Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat.”

Are you tired on the race to heaven, have you decided to go back into the world in quest for the good of life? Is it that you are already exhausted, and almost collapsing, and the voice that you can hear is, send him away, and you are also saying I think I need a rethink, let me Go and get victuals for myself, hear the Blessed Savior saying “YOU NEED NOT DEPART… TAKE EAT…”.  Are you about to embark on a Journey to Tarshish from the presence of the LORD, he calleth thee, “YOU NEED NOT DEPART… TAKE EAT…”. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers… once you go you will not return, because they will corrupt and murder you, please listen to the master’s plea YOU NEED NOT DEPART… TAKE EAT. Have you done the master’s work in the past with all enthusiasm, then you did not consider any other ambition, than heaven, but now it seem the master’s return is been delayed, the enthusiasm is lost and the zeal is gone, right now, you are about to say let me call it quit, or let me go and I will come back again. Behold you Lord is saying: YOU NEED NOT DEPART, Sit down I have made a provision for you.
Do you say like Peter “I go a fishing”, going back to the things you left on the altar, bridges you have burnt you now are trying to build, beloved, don’t go, your consecration you are almost forgetting the sight of heaven, the vision of heaven, now is getting blurred. Hear and listen to the Good shepherd call you again, LOVEST THOU ME MORE THAN THESE?  He says YOU NEED NOT DEPART. Come back to your First Love.
Ignorantly you have been self-confident, satisfied, and contended, having heard the Lord speak, saying, HE IS A CHOSEN VESSEL UNTO ME, and yet you did not sit to get filled, you rushed out and you are leaving, But (We) have not so learned Christ. Listen to God he still has something for you, he says, “YOU NEED NOT DEPART…SIT”  he has enough to fill you, to overflow, you need to sit , settle down, calm down, Pay attention, Listen, spread forth your hands your portion is about to reach you, he has enough, do you need to send for Ananias,  ...tarry ye...until ye be endued with power from on high(Luke 24:49) you need to pray and fast, that is the way to sit.
YOU NEED NOT DEPART…BE FILLED  Many have tarried in the presence of God, but few hours to the empowerment they depart, many have desires to be filled but only hurried out on getting just a drop, when the Holy ghost was ready to fill them to overflow, but lest your situation be Like theirs Jesus is saying YOU NEED NOT DEPART…BE FILLED , The promise is unto you, For you shall receive power, the Holy spirit has made provision for you  For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring(Isaiah 44:3) Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. Psalms 81:10 is time to seek the LORD, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.YOU NEED NOT DEPART…SIT, EAT, BE FILLED
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