Sunday 26 February 2023

Supply of Grace for the Needy!

2 Corinthians 12:9
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

The believer is liken to a branch, in the Lord Jesus Christ's description, and like a branch need to get supply from the vine, so the believer needs to get the supply from Christ, all that the branch needs is in the vine in abundance, all it needs is a continued dependence on the vine.

However, it will be wrong for the branch to refuse to stay in the sun, rain, wind etc, because, it has a duty it provides for the vine.

Similarly, it will be wrong for believers to run away from the scourging effect of persecution, temptation, affliction, weaknesses etc, they are like the sunshine , rain, and the wind, they are not meant to break us or destroy us, but to make us more productive and strong.

All that have been highlighted  are not peculiar to us as believers, just like the same sun, wind and rain, leads to decay of broken branches, so they lead to the decay of the unbelievers but we are different because we remain attached to the vine, they strengthens us.

Are you in need? Are you tired, weak and weary? Is affliction, persecution and tribulation taking a toll on you? 

Like Paul, you can ask from the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will give you the supply of Grace, 
And his Grace will be sufficient for you!


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