Thursday 10 January 2013

3) The possibility of having it all in the new era

3) The possibility of having it all in the new era

In the first point we have seen the all powerful God and by his greatness we want to be partaker of his blessing he has all we need and as we begin with him in a new era he wants to do something great in our life that is why we are considering having all in the new era, have you ever wondered if you can have access to the riches of God’s blessing here is what God is telling you today: “…fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called the with a new name; thou art mine…” this is telling you that now and onward you are God’s own, and because you belong to God he is saying: “…when thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee, through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire thou shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee…” he is assuring you of his ever abiding presence, when situations around you seem like waters, he says I will be with you, and when the situation increase it look like now the waters is now like flood he says he is there; they will not overflow you. And when the fire of the situation around you is ranging his promise for you is that you shall not be burnt, and the effect of it shall not show on you, why? Because he is there for you and you are his.
God is promising you have become a treasure in his hands and so he said “…therefore will I give men for thee and people for thy life...” that is your inheritance in God through Christ Jesus, and he continues “…Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west: he will say to the north, GIVE UP; your goodness is coming up, your blessing is coming up and you will come up in Jesus name. he continues “…and to the south keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughter from the ends of the earth; that is to tell you that all your children that has walked away, and those sons that has gone afar this is a new era and they will return, they will return to you in peace all those that have forgotten you , they are returning now to you, it is the era of your blessing and it will never cease in Jesus name.
He also says … I have created him for my Glory, this is telling you that in this era the glory of God will be risen on you and the enemies will see it and turn to you in repentance.
What God has for you at a time like this is: “…remember not the former things neither consider the thing of old. Behold I will do a new thing: now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it...” all the things that has caused you sorrow in the past forget them, this is a new era, and in this new era what you have to do is to begin to hope for a new thing: a new promotion, a new favor a new car, a new provision, a new Christian life, a new victory, they are all your this era In Jesus name. god is saying “…I will even make way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert…” what is that wilderness in your life that seem there is no way behold the word of God for you is there will be way in that wilderness, you just forget that there was no way and now believe that there is way for you, that desert, river will flow out of it, this is the word of the almighty God, this is not a man’s promise he is mighty and he has promised, he will not fail.
And unto you he is saying it again that: “…this people have I formed for myself; they shall show forth my praise…” you will show the praise of god in the land of the living in Jesus name.
And he says: I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake and will not remember thy sins.”(Isaiah 43:25)
This is to tell you what he is planning for you, he has plan for all you need, even sin that could be a source of hindrance, he has made a solution for you by sending his son Jesus Christ, he has taken away the sin of the world, and by repentance and returning to him, you will have salvation and access to all the promises you have seen in the text we are reading for this time. So, are you now ready to launch in to the riches of the blessing of God, are you ready to have it all? Take it to God in prayer, remember this is a new era, the old hindrance to prayer is Gone! it is time to receive whatsoever you will.

Behold, I will do a new thing              NOW IT SHALL SPRING FORTH!

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All scriptural citation is from the King James Version of the Holy Bible


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