Thursday, 7 March 2013

Why Not Now


You have tarried long enough in this valley, won’t you consider a change? You have lingered so much, why not take a step today? You have heard a lot about it, will you not give it a consideration? Why should you gain all of life treasure and lose your soul to hell? After you have laboured so hard to gather all of earth’s goodies and then tonight your soul is required at your hand, or while you are still struggling hard to make it in life yet you can’t give your life to him who died to give you this life, and despite your wretchedness yet you failed to prepare for your soul a eternal bliss so that you can live eternally with your saviour. What if you were to choose between life and death, what will be your choice? Why not make a right choice by choosing life? “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” “…except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish.” For “…it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment:” (2 Corinthians 6:2, Luke 13:3, Hebrew 9:27 KJV). Where will you spend eternity? Two destiny are sure you will end in heaven or hell, but you have to make the choice today while you are still on earth, if you choose to delay tomorrow may not be there for you to repent, but why will you choose to rather die when you can make heaven by simple repentance and turning away from your sin? Jesus Christ has paid all that is meant for the salvation of your soul, and all you need is to believe on his atoning work on the cross of Calvary where he bled and died to take away your sin. Remember! In case you have forgotten, or you never know, he died on the cross to take away your sin, for your sake he was wounded; just for your transgressions, "he was bruised for our iniquities…” he suffered greatly for your sins, will all his suffering be in vain in your life? Will you delay and be doomed throughout eternity?


Many are dying many are perishing, hell is enlarging and multitude are rushing in, the old and the young, none is exempted, and they are dying without hope of eternal bliss in the home beyond the skies. The coming of Christ is eminent, the signs of his coming are all around us, it is already the end time, anytime from now our work on earth shall be over, and we who are ready soon shall meet our saviour in the skies, then the unrepentant will be doomed and the saint a day of joy shall see. Have you counted the cost if your soul should be lost, if for earthly treasure you rush, then soon all you trust is lost, for all shall vanish, at sight of fire so hot then what shall be your lot, when all on which you trust is lost. What shall you give in exchange for your soul, for the die is cast, the verdict has been given, the soul that sins it shall die…” (Ezekiel 18:20 KJV) why not repent now? Why not do it quick, it is an emergency it requires urgent attention, because, at any time Jesus will return to take his ready saint home, death knows no age, it comes at any time, And as it is given unto man once to die and after this the judgment this means anyone who dies in his sins, goes to hell, this is why you must make haste and decide now before it is too late.


When all of life is over you begin an unending journey you will begin to count an unending time called eternity, eternity begins once you close your eyes on earth, and into another realm you open your eyes. Here on earth your days are numbered but in eternity you will live an unending life, the decade, centuries and millenniums that cannot be numbered. However eternity will be of two destinations, some will spend their eternity in hell, while others will spend theirs in heaven. Heaven is prepared only for those who have accepted the God sent provision of entrance into heaven who is JESUS, those who fail to accept this provision will spend their doom in hell, and this people are called the sinners. Hell is the doom that awaits all sinners, it shall be a place of torture, a place of eternal punishment, in hell the flames of fire shall burn the sinners, they shall burn forever but shall not be dead for death shall have no power to take their life then. They shall groan and cry, they shall weep, they will regret, they will try to repent of their sin, when they come to realise the reality of the messages they have heard about heaven and hell, but then, it shall be too late for “…it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment:” (Hebrew 9:27 KJV). The judgement of God awaits all sinners, and who can withstand the judgement of God? The sinners are those who have not repented of their sins, you may see them as morally OK yet before God they are filthy, because they have not been washed from the inbred sin, they might have repented at a time but they have returned to their sin, they may be working in the Church as choirs, bishop, pastors elders, and whatsoever they do in the church, however all these will not avail them of salvation, God's verdict has been given "the soul that sins it shall die¨ (Ezekiel 18:20 KJV), this death is not the earthly physical death alone but this refer to an eternal death that awaits all sinners, when a sinner dies he opens his eyes into eternity but an eternity of eternal death in hell where they will be dying but not dead, though they repent it cannot avail, for a line is drawn by rejecting the Lord, by rejecting the salvation in Christ Jesus. Woe is he that strives with his maker (Isaiah 45:9 KJV) there is a woe (DOOM) that awaits every sinners, "except you repent you shall all likewise perish". (Luke 13:5)


  There is a way which seems right unto man but the end thereof is death (Proverb14:12) many today have tried various ways and various means to live a holy life, they involve in long prayer every day, they try to be moralistic in all they do so that by this they may obtain God's favours, but in praying they pray amiss, they go from mountain to mountain they pray for wealth and heavenly blessing, but sin is still in their life. Many other people think that by their zeal for the things of God they can gain eternal life so you will see them in Churches they come early, give tithe, and some time they find their way into the workforce in the Church and they will work with the greatest amount of zeal, but their names are not written in the lambs book of life, many believe that by their good works, humanitarian services, moral lifestyle etc. they can make heaven, but they neglect the ESCAPE CORNER The stone which the builders refused is become the head of the corner¨ (Psalm 118:22 KJV) the way of salvation is what many people has forsaken only to run after other option that cannot avail on the Day of Judgment. The question is; "how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation" (Hebrew 2:3 KJV) we cannot escape except through the salvation that is available through CHRIST JESUS. "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name given among men whereby we must be saved" (Act 4:12). But now is the accepted time, behold today is the day of salvation, if you will take the following step that leads to the escape corner of salvation you will be saved.
Steps to Salvation
-Accept that you are a sinner, "for all have sinned"(Romans 3:23)
- Accept the truth that Jesus died for your sins, and that only by him can you escape and get saved (Act 4:12)
-Confess your sins with a sincere heart, because, "if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness". (1John 1:8)

- Determine not to go back into those sins, by forsaking them totally and all the things that can draw you back into them and pray for mercy.(Proverb 28:13).

PRAY THIS PRAYER: Jesus, I thank you for your death on the cross for my sin, I accept that I am a sinner and I confess my sin before you now, (MENTION THOSE SINS YOU COMMIT), Lord forgive me all my sins, blot away my sins, wash and cleanse me with your blood, write my name in the Book Of Life. I acknowledge you as my personal Lord and Saviour and promise not to go back into my sins anymore, IN JESUS NAME I HAVE PRAYED. AMEN.


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