Wednesday, 3 April 2013



No seed will grow where it has not been sown, so is the theory of life. If you desire any seed to grow, then you must cultivate a piece of land and plant the seed. After a period it shoots out, and then you continue to nurture it by carrying out some post-planting activities such as weeding, use of insecticides, application of fertilizer, watering, pruning and a lot more activities will be carried out on the plot where this plant is to be grown.
Here the topic states: “ the cultivated and uncultivated heart” not land, but as we go on we shall discuss some things that relates heart cultivation to land cultivation.
The heart of man is like a virgin land; when we are born to earth we tend to grow weed which are unwanted plant just like any virgin land will do, so also the heart of the man will begin to harbor some character that are unwanted, these are the seeds it has gathered overtime, and all this seed did not just come there in a day. As such a land may be consumed with fire at any time, so also the heart that is uncultivated will be cast into hell fire one day. The bible has this to say …the earth also and the works therein shall be burned up (2 Peter 3:10 KJV)
After knowing this we ought to be wise today and cultivate the ground of our heart, take away the seed of sin, the unwanted pest of self and Satan. We have to make our heart ready by cultivating our heart and sowing the seed that will be harvested into heaven, because there will be a harvesting day in which the saint will be harvested into heaven but the weed will be gathered into hell fire.
Like one will look on a land and find it bushy, the fellow will pick up his working implement or farm machinery and clear the bush, he will destroy all the pest that may be using the place as an hide-out, and the place will be made ready for planting operation.
In like manner, you must look into your life and see the bush of sin in you, those sin came because you failed to cultivate your heart or you cultivate your heart and left it to itself so you backslid and sin came back into your life.
When you examine your life and you see the great amount of sin in your life, you may be feel like your sin is too great, so also the farmer may think the bush is too much, but all you need is to summon courage, and have faith in God that he can save and forgive your sin , then pick up this tools one by one:
= Acknowledge that you are a sinner
=Accept that Christ died for your sin and shed his blood for your redemption from sin, and know that his blood can wash you and make you clean from sin.
= Admit that you cannot save yourself, but Jesus is able to save you no matter how sinful you are
= Confess all those sin that you commit; mention those sin one by one, maybe lying, stealing, fornication, uncleanness, idolatry, hatred, etc. you know the sin you commit, ask God for pardon, let him wash away all your sins with the blood of Jesus, let him make you pure and clean. Let him write your name in the book of life. Thank him for forgiving you your sins.
= Confess that Jesus has taken away your sin, confess that you are his child, confess that his blood has taken away your sin, confess that your name is written in the book of life
When a land is cultivated and left to itself the land will begin to bring forth weed and if not weeded the land will become bushy, or even become a thick forest.
But if the land is cleared and ridges are made and the desire seed are put into the ridges, soon the seed will begin to shoot forth to become a plant, then you will begin to nurture the plant by watering, weeding, setting of edges round the farm plot, and many other activities that will help the plant to grow, to the stage of harvesting.
In the same vein a sinner that repents of his sin and obtains salvation and left to carry on decision on his own may go back and get seed of sin sown into his life, because sin is like a weed it has it seed readily flying all around, so once it finds a cultivated (convenient) uncultivated land (heart) it falls there and begins to grow into a bush (sinner) again
Having known all these, we have to be wise, know where to get the appropriate seed that will make us harvested into heaven at last, carry out all the operation that will help our heart to grow the harvestable seed of our soul to meet Jesus when he comes for his saints (harvest)
= WEED-OFF ALL SUGGESTION OF SIN: the heart of man always have the tendency to sin always, because the seed of sin is flying all around but the only way we can be free from this is by weeding them off immediately we discover its appearance, that is why the Bible encourages us to “Abstain from all appearances of evil (1 Thessalonians
5:22 kjv)” also 1 Corinthians 6:18 say flee fornication. This is showing that the some object of sin may come your way but the thing you have to do is to weed if off with prayer, and some time all it will require is to take away your eyes, or even run away, it may just entail taking your stand against sin. Do what is appropriate at the appropriate time.
= Monitor your growth level from the bible: the bible is like a mirror, it is the standard on which you should place your life, it should be the one directing what you do in all situations. Everyday ensure you study the Bible, and while you study the bible ensure you study the bible in this following ways:

Purposefully; read the bible to get something tangible, a promise, a correction, admonition, direction.
Prayerfully; when you read the bible, pray that god should reveal his mind to you.
Meditatively, to get the purpose of God’s word where you are reading
= Come together with other: the bible exhort us (not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together… Hebrews 10:25 kjv) ensure you join a bible believing church where they preach the total truth of the word of God
= Keep the edge around you: after salvation the life of a person becomes secure in God, however once you allow sin into your life it means the edge around you has been broken and God’s protection will be removed from you. The way to do this is by:

Prayer: pray daily, against all the strategy of the tempter, that God should give you victory over every temptation of the tempter. pray for the grace of god for each day
Teach others: when you teach others about Christ, you will be creating a wall of defence for yourself so that you will not be able to go into sin, since you will also want to avoid what you tell others to avoid.
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God bless you.


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