Friday, 3 May 2013


Open your eyes! See beyond the present, see the Gold ahead. When they say "come let us lay in wait for innocent blood" don't be a friend to them, when they say: "virginity is nothing but lack of opportunity" flee! They are blind men throwing stones: they want you blind! They lost their Glory of virginity and seek a way to cover it up, and make you a victim of their ordeal, they know that the Queen position that Esther got as a virgin cannot be theirs again, so they want to prevent you too. They knew the Glorious opportunity of becoming the mother of Jesus like Virgin Mary had, was lost in their lives; “they want you in their shoes.”
Beware! My Friend, beware! BEHOLD NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME, DO IT NOW, DELETE THEM! They hate you, they want to take away your glory, so like Satan deceived eve, they want you deceived by their "I LOVE U" when really they want to steal your virginity.
Who said “virginity is only for females?”
I must tell you there is a Difference between the man that has made covenant with himself not to cast his seed in strangers and he whose best seeds has been wasted into many strange women.
I have made covenant with my eyes why should I look on a maid... (in nude picture, video: in pornographic movies, wallpapers, phones, laptop, on web and around me or anywhere.)
I shall not die! For the soul that sin it shall DIE! I know fornication is a sin, I can't be deceived... I have repented of my past, my sins are forgiven and I will never go back to sin, for whosoever turn back is not worthy of heaven and heaven is my Goal! I WILL GET THERE.
What about you; won't you rather be challenged and follow after Christ in righteousness?
Except a man be born again He cannot see the kingdom of God. Repent & Beware!

Are you already getting pressurized by the people around you, or you are almost giving up your conviction to keep your chastity? The caution for you today is “my son if sinners entice you consent thou not… but be thou an example of a Believer, you need to watch those you move around with, if they are those that will make you to compromise, then you must forsake them.
Fornication is a sin, and the soul that sins it shall die. What does this mean?
1)    Medically: fornication attracts a lot of sickness, which include the deadly HIV/ AIDS, which kills your immune system, and makes you defenseless to diseases.
2)    Physically: such fornication may lead to eventual death, as a result of sickness, or even as a direct consequence of angered fellow see: Genesis 34:1-27
3)    Socially: fornication brings you a social stigma, and brings you into a state of low degree, you have lost your pride, your glory, and you are looked down on by everyone because of your sin.
4)    Emotion: your emotion is sensitive, and fornication will hurt him so much, it will cause you to breakdown emotionally, because as soon as the sin of fornication comes into your life, your emotion is destabilized
5)    Spiritually: fornication is a sin, and God is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, so immediately, he turns away from you, you are already doomed for hell, because, immediately you go into sin you become a sinner, but all sinners will be turned into hell.
Fornication has great torment, yes you may see them covering it up yet in their privacy, they weep, yet their weeping is not yet exhausted except they repent, because there awaits them a sorer punishment in hell.

Have you missed your way; you’ve lost your glory, health, power... because fornication? GOD is still able to pardon you, and Give you a “2ND CHANCE”, if you repent; confess and forsake your sin. For
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
What is the way out?
1)  Accept that you are a sinner. (Rom 3:23 says: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God)
2)    Believe on Jesus Christ for your salvation (Acts 16:31 says: Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved…)
3)  Confess your sins: not only fornication but you confess all your sins to God. (1 John 1:9 says: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.)
4)  Pray for forgiveness.
5)  Thank God for forgiving you, and proclaim your victory over sin.
6)  Take away all that can lure you back to sin, the sinner friend, the nude pictures and movies, enable adult site protection on your device and delete any already existing ones, or the link to them.
7)  Read the Bible every day; that you may grow thereby.
Now you are a child of God. and as a Child you can now, go to God in prayer and request him to restore to you your lost glory, remember Rehab the harlot, her name came into the genealogy of JESUS Christ because she came to be associated with God,
And finally, let others see Jesus in you, and join yourself to a Bible believing, preaching, and practicing church, and they will help you grow and guide you to form the shape of God’s Glory, and keep you away from the snare of the wicked.

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God bless you.


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