Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Glorious Living Devotional : 5th Jan

Topic: Sin the Problem of man
Text: Genesis 9-11
Key text: And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. (Genesis 11:4)
Discussion: After the punishment of the flood, God began to bless Noah and his sons (see Genesis 9:1-11), and made a covenant with him, but shortly after the covenant he was drunk and this led to the curse he laid on his son (Genesis 9:20-28). Also contrary to God’s command and will, for men to multiply and fill the face of the earth, when the descendants of Noah were multiplied and increased, they saw a plain, and decided to build a tower “… lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth” they do not want to be scattered Abroad according to the will of God. There is a lesson to learn: when the thought that cross our mind is to do contrary to the will of God, then we should erase it immediately, this people had a thought that was contrary to the will of God for them and rather than erase it they acted on it.
Sin led to the confusion of their languages, and they were scattered abroad, hence this led to the fulfillment of God’s will which they wanted to avoid, hence we learn from this that the will of God will be done what ever man does, but it is best if we submit to the will of God for there is always blessing in doing the will of God.
Flee from sin! If there is sin in your life, repent today.
Challenge: Depart from iniquity
Prayer: Lord, keep a watch over me let me not go the way of Sin
Futher reading: Isaiah 1:16-20

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