Topic: The secret of Grace in a corrupt world.
Text: Gen 6-8
Key text: But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. (Gen 6:8)
Discussion: Noah lived in a generation where the people did wickedness in the sight of God so much that it displeased the Lord and he determined that he will wipe out man from the surface of the earth, but in the midst of this God found a man he could say he is a “just man and perfect in his generations” and this was the secret of the grace he obtained.
As Christians if we must obtain grace, and mercy in the sight of God our life must be distinct, crystal clear, and without iniquity, we must not allow the corruption going on in the world to influence our life, we must make the Principles and standard of God’s word be the guide in our decision making process.
The eyes of the Lord is seeing everything we give ourselves to, the things we do, can he say like he said of Noah “thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation" If that is not God’s testimony about you then there is need to go back to Calvary, to make your ways right with God, lest you perish like the people of Noah’s time.
Challenge: A pure and perfect life is the secret of Grace.
Prayer: Lord, keep me pure in this world of corruption.
Further reading: Eph 2:8; Titus 2:11; 2 Peter 3:18; Psalm 84:11; John 1:17; Proverbs 3:34
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