Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Isaiah 1-3: Consider your ways

Topic: Consider your ways
Text: Isaiah 1-3
Key Text: Isaiah 1:3 - The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.

We live in a world where people do things without proper consideration, many of the things people take as pleasure are things capable of destroying them. Today's passage is an invitation to consider our ways, are we on the track to a glorious destiny or touring the path of doom and destruction.

consider your ways

The nation of Israel were on the path of doom, for they were a sinful nation as declared by the prophet (Isaiah 1:4,13, 3:8,12b,), and this has brought desolation and destruction to them (Isaiah1:7,8,13, 20; 2:12; 3:4,5,11,17, 24-26) but God, is not willing that any should perish, or be destroyed, hence, he gives out and invitation (Isaiah1:16-18, 25- 27; 2:3) - a call to repentance, to turn from sin and wickedness, to the Savior of the world, and he says, if you are willing to take the step, he is willing to reward you with Good things, (Isaiah1:19, 26) however, knowing the end from the beginning he says if you would not heed the warning, there is destruction at the end of the tunnel.(Isaiah1:20; 2:12; 3:24-26)

Dear reader, take a pause, consider your ways, are you right with God? If no, why not now? You may be attending or even leading in Church, but if sin is still on your life, you are on the way to destruction. And Jesus is calling you today to repent of those sins, and he will receive you, and thoroughly wash away your sins, then you can receive the benefits Christ has for you.

Challenge: Consider your ways before it is too late.

Prayer: Search me O God, and know my way, if there be some wrongs in me, forgive me and help me correct my ways. Make me to eat of the good of this land and eat of thy table above, in Jesus name I pray. Amen


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