Thursday 9 February 2023

Winning with the two edged Sword

Focus: Isaiah 1:19 

 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

We are sometimes too used to one edge of the sword (Bible) that we forget it is two edged sword.

We forget often that:
Obedience is better than sacrifice, doesn't take away the role of sacrifice, even, to obey might come with some sacrifice.
Many think when it comes with sacrifice it not from God
On the other hand:
Some sacrifice, without Obeying. They give their all till they have nothing to give, yet, they dont obey God on: repentance, restitution, eevangelism, prayer, diligence...

They are also using one edge of the sword, and many times they are defeated, they run from prayer mountain to herbalist hills, they forget that if God be God serve him!

Which side of the sword have you ignored? 
You will win more battles when you fight with the two edges of the sword.


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